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Africa’s largest transcritical CO2 cold storage facility
Focus on excellence rewards ‘best table grape grower and packer in the world’ ranking

By Jan Lievens, post harvest specialist and director at Humiditas South Africa

For this farm, quality is not a once-off act – it is a habit throughout their processes.

From HFC to natural ahead of Kigali phase-down
About insulated panels

By Benjamin Brits

Insulation, and more specifically insulated panels – are considered critical in many aspects of the cold chain today, and several other industries too.

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The tradeshow that delivers, FRIGAIR Expo returns in 2025. The show will run from 04 June – 06 June 2025 at Gallagher Convention Centre. Taking place every three years, FRIGAIR is the largest dedicated HEVAC&R trade exhibition in Africa and is organised in partnership with the South African Institute of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (SAIRAC).
Valeo is an automotive tech company serving the passenger car and commercial vehicle industry worldwide. The company designs innovative solutions for smart mobility with a particular focus on intuitive driving, reducing CO2 emissions and electrification.

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