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The update to the definition and creation of a symbol for the ‘healthy’ nutrient content claim are part of the FDA’s Nutrition Innovation Strategy. Photo by Creative Commons | Igor Ovsyannykov

The US FDA procedural notice to conduct research over ‘healthy’ symbols on food products

  • marimac 

The FDA understands that consumers want healthy choices when it comes to food and nutrition and has issued a procedural notice on preliminary consumer-research planned on the use of symbols on food product labels. Nutrient content claims are a labelling tool that explicitly or implicitly characterises the level of a nutrient in the food. These claims can help consumers quickly gain a better understanding of the general nutrition information listed on food packages.Read More »The US FDA procedural notice to conduct research over ‘healthy’ symbols on food products

The objective of the programme is to strengthen the competitiveness of West African countries and enhance their integration into the regional and international trading system. Photo by UNIDO

Joining hands to strengthen food safety knowledge in West Africa

  • marimac 

In the context of the Guinea-Bissau component of the European Union-funded West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP), implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 30 Bissau-Guineans received training on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System, HACCP, and on the ISO standard for Food Safety Management System, ISO 22000.Read More »Joining hands to strengthen food safety knowledge in West Africa

Research shows that financing energy access is not flowing at the speed or scale needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7. Photo by CaaS Initiative

CaaS addresses unreliable off-grid refrigeration for vaccines in Africa

  • marimac 

Recent studies show that more than 1 billion people around the world live without electricity – more than half of whom are in Africa. Efforts are underway to reduce that number, however population growth, temperature increases, and the increased use of power-hungry devices, make the efficient and reliable distribution of electricity a challenge – an expensive one at that. Read More »CaaS addresses unreliable off-grid refrigeration for vaccines in Africa