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Home » SATI releases second crop estimate for 2022

SATI releases second crop estimate for 2022

  • marimac 

Due to challenging weather conditions experienced this season by the Northern Provinces and the Olifants River regions, it was decided to adjust the estimate for these two regions slightly downwards from the first estimates.

Image credit: SA Table Grape Industry
Image credit: SA Table Grape Industry

Conversely to other regions, the estimate for the Orange River region was adjusted upwards due to the fact that this region has already exceeded its upper limit of the estimated 21,2 million cartons.

Prospects for the Berg, and Hex River regions are very favourable, and it is expected that these two regions might reach, and possibly even slightly exceed, the upper limit of their estimates.

The adjustments made to the first crop estimate does however not have a significant effect on the national estimate, with a raise in the lower limit from 70.6 million cartons to 72.8 million cartons and the upper limit unchanged at 77.7m cartons.

Delays in the Port of Cape Town continue to pose a challenge and be of major concern. The operational effectiveness is still too low given the peak shipping weeks which are still ahead. The issues are being addressed and followed up at the highest level between the industry and port authorities. SATI have encouraged producers and exporters to take extra measures and precautions in ensuring and preserving product quality.

Northern Provinces

This region’s packing season is drawing to a close with only small quantities of Crimson and Autumn Crisp still to be packed during the next week to end off the season. Because it is evident that the Northern Provinces region will not reach its lower limit estimate of 7,7 million cartons, the crop estimate for the region was adjusted slightly to a low of 7,3 and a high of 7,7 million cartons.

Orange River

This region is also entering its last week of full scale packing. The Blouputs area has wrapped up its season while Augrabies and Rooipad are ending off its season with small quantities of Autumn Crisp, Scarlotta and Adora to be packed during the last week.

The Kanoneiland and later areas are in the process of packing Sweet Celebration, Scarlotta, Autumn Crisp and Crimson. Next week will probably be the last week of full operation for this region.

Olifants River

Producers are currently packing Red Globe, Crimson, Allison, Sweet Celebration, Scarlotta and Krissy. This region has experienced a heat wave, which could result in a significant decrease in the production volumes of certain cultivars. The crop estimate for the Olifants River region has therefore been adjusted slightly downwards to a low limit of 3,1 and a higher limit of 3,4 million cartons. It’s been a very challenging season for the region.

Berg River

This region has experienced a good packing week due to favourable weather conditions, and the prospects for the rest of the season are excellent. Based on the mid- and late season volumes, all indications are there that the Berg River region could exceed its high of the original crop estimate of 19,5 million cartons. An adjustment to this effect will be considered in the next fortnight.

Amongst the cultivars that are currently being packed are Crimson, Sweet Joy, Thompson, Scarlotta, Adora, Sweet Globe, Melody and Autumn Crisp. During the next week this region will start with the packing of the Sugra Thirtyfive and Scarlotta cultivars.

Hex River

The Hex River region’s packing season is in fine shape. The yield per hectare of the early cultivars and the general quality of the grapes are excellent. The main cultivars that are currently being packed are Crimson, Sweet Globe and Sweet Celebration. Packing of the Autumn Crisp cultivar will start next week.