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ASHRAE concludes Chicago Winter Conference and AHR Expo (Part 2)

ASHRAE concluded its Chicago Winter Conference and AHR Expo with an impressive attendance and accelerated decarbonisation action. This is part two of a two-part article.

Chennai chapter. Images supplied ASHRAE
Chennai chapter. Images supplied ASHRAE

President Scoggins announced the winners of the 2023 Decarbonisation Challenge, a grant programme to assist ASHRAE chapters in implementing decarbonisation projects in their communities. An impressive 43 applications were submitted and nine chapters will receive grants ranging between USD2 000 to USD10 000 for a total of USD65 850, with additional matching funds from partnering organisations of the selected projects. The projected carbon savings will be on the order of 2.3 million kilogrammes of CO2 over the life cycles of the selected projects based on submitted calculations.

Further emphasising the society’s commitment to solving the technical challenges of building decarbonisation, the board of directors approved the transition of the ASHRAE Task Force for Building Decarbonisation from an ad hoc committee (TFBD) to the permanent Center of Excellence for Building Decarbonisation.

ASHRAE signed a memorandum of understanding with Dubai-headquartered district cooling service provider Empower for the development of a unified and globally approved district cooling standard. The Society also signed a new agreement with OzonAction under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for a 2024-2025 Work Plan, themed ‘Refrigerant Management for Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency in Developing Economies’. The plan’s emphasis is on making tools and programmes for sound management of refrigerants available and accessible to stakeholders in developing countries.

The remarkable accomplishments of ASHRAE members took centre stage at an honours and awards programme. ASHRAE’s Executive Vice-President and Secretary, Jeff Littleton, also provided updates on the Society’s ongoing initiatives, highlighting its 130 years of service to the built environment.

“In the year 2150, 130 years into the future, how will ASHRAE members judge our Society’s work today? Will this decade be the tipping point for building decarbonisation? Will buildings truly protect occupants from indoor and outdoor health threats? In 2150, will ASHRAE’s vision of healthy and sustainable built environment for all be realised? I believe the answer is a resounding yes. We have the talent, we have the wisdom, we have the passion. In 2150, ASHRAE members will look back on you – on us here today – and marvel at the pace of progress,” said Littleton.

ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) offered 18 courses. New courses were as follows:

  • Starting the Path to Net-Zero Buildings Using ASHRAE 90.1-2022
  • Understanding ASHRAE Standard 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols – Background, Overview and Key Requirements
  • V in HVAC – Health and Energy Improvements Using the Indoor Air Quality Procedures
  • Is Your Building Ready? Applying ASHRAE Standard 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols – Facility Assessment, Planning, and Implementation

All registered attendees, both in-person and virtual, will have access to the virtual conference platform during the conference and 12 months post-conference.

The 2024 ASHRAE Annual Conference will take place in 22–26 June in Indianapolis, Indiana. The 2025 Winter Conference will take place 8–12 February 2025 and the AHR Expo on 10–12 February 2025 in Orlando, Florida.

View Part 1
