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SA facility becomes part of new world record

  • marimac 

Macsteel in partnership with Tate & Nicholson, Fortress, Pick n Pay and WBHO did the nation proud by applying its pioneering technology to break the world record for the longest roof span covered by a single metal corrugated sheet. Macsteel’s roofing unit roll-formed the sheets spanning the width of 280 metres, across the widest part of the roof covering the new Pick ‘n Pay flagship distribution centre in Kempton Park, Gauteng.

Sky forming technology in action at the Pick n Pay distribution centre site. Image credit: Macsteel
Sky forming technology in action at the Pick n Pay distribution centre site. Image credit: Macsteel

The technology which enabled the Macsteel team to achieve this feat, is their innovative roofing product, roll-formed onsite, using their industry-leading sky forming process. It would have been much harder to break the world record without pairing these two innovations.

Novotexi 440, the product used, was developed by Macsteel to resist high winds on large-scale roofing projects, and to meet the challenges engineers face in providing solutions for extreme weather conditions caused by climate change.

Mike Benfield, Macsteel CEO says, “We are very excited to be part of this development project with our partners. We remain true to the spirit of ‘pursuing reinvention’ which is the driving force behind our business strategy and has become the foundation on which we initiate and manage all our customer engagements.”

Sky forming is a unique solution, streamlining the roofing of mega-build projects. As the name suggests, it is a ground-breaking process where the roll-forming container producing the sheet is lifted to the level of the roof so that they can seamlessly apply their product, at height and at speed. The sky forming process – developed to meet the safety requirements of the Department of Labour – enables Macsteel to offer a differentiated service to stakeholders in the construction sector.

Macsteel has primed innovation as one of their key pillars to ensure sustainability in a global and South African context. Driven by a stressed economy over the last decade, the company has focused on innovation in the pursuit of more cost-effective solutions as a prerequisite to assist customers.

“A significant part of our strategy is focused on partnering with our customers in the early stages of a project so we’re able to offer strategic support from design to installation in providing efficient and cost-effective steel solutions to our customers,” adds Benfield.

“We understand the importance of remaining agile and relevant and Pursuing Reinvention means finding new ways to grow our business and enabling our customer to grow at the same time,” concludes Benfield.