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Most extensive supporting programme in the history of Chillventa

  • marimac 
Image credit: NürnbergMesse
Image credit: NürnbergMesse

This year, trade visitors have even more to look forward to in Nuremberg from 11 to 13 October: A new forum, a job corner and two professional skills competitions complement the established supporting programme, making it one of the most comprehensive in Chillventa’s history. The Chillventa CONGRESS launches on 10 October with four parallel tracks, happening on site and as a live stream.

“Tradespeople especially are an extremely important target group for Chillventa, so we are incredibly pleased that these extra supporting programme items, combined with the innovations and solutions of the more than 800 exhibitors, will give them yet another reason to visit. As well as three exhibitor forums, special presentations, guided tours and the high-calibre congress programme, we are looking forward to new features like the forum “A practical guide to digitisation for craftspeople”, the Job Corner, and an international skills competition,” says Elke Harreiß, exhibition director Chillventa at NürnbergMesse.

New forum: “A practical guide to digitisation for craftspeople”

In this forum at Hall 8, Stand 8-528, tradespeople from a range of disciplines will be interviewed about the digital strategies and solutions they have implemented in real life and that can be adopted by other businesses. They provide genuine insights into how they work with networked systems, improve their efficiency and productivity, and gain more time and revenue as a result. Experts with a background in technology, industry and science will also discuss the concrete opportunities that businesses of all sizes in various trade segments can exploit in future by using cutting-edge digital technology.

Applications, Training & Codes of Practice Forum

Apart from this new forum, three thematically structured exhibitor forums also provide trade visitors with information about novel solutions and approaches. In Hall 9, Stand 9-550, the 57 presentations will focus on applications, training and professional development as well as laws, standards and codes of practice. The highlights include topics such as leak detection, recovery of refrigerants. circular economy, new refrigerants and refrigerant blends, and the transport of medical products. In a series of presentations in English, eurammon will inform system engineers, designers and operators about current developments and experiences with natural refrigerants.

Refrigeration Technology Forum

Halle 7A, Stand 7A-616 is the first port of call for all refrigeration technology enthusiasts. The highlights from the 53 presentations include “Challenges, tips and solutions for pump selection when using R-744 and R-717 in industrial refrigeration”, “The historical development of connection technology in refrigeration and air conditioning” and “Process-safe brazing of copper-chromium nickel steel joints with deep induction”.

New feature for employers and skilled personnel: the mehrmacher Job Corner

The shortage of skilled tradespeople is also affecting the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. As the main industry platform, Chillventa aims to provide active support with this challenge, and this year has launched a new Job Corner in partnership with recruitment platform mehrmacher. At the dedicated area in Hall 9, Stand 9-660, companies presenting themselves as attractive employers will connect with professionals with specific skillsets. The reverse recruiting approach is used, i.e., firms apply to skilled personnel to fill their job vacancies. Prospective employees can register to receive relevant job offers from the employers. Employers also gain insights into how to position themselves for the future.

Special presentation “Handling flammable refrigerants”

This special display area in Hall 4, Stand 4-405 will provide theoretical information and practical demonstrations of the necessary components, tools, PPE and leakage risks associated with flammable refrigerants. The focus is on raising awareness about the proper handling of flammable refrigerants and safe work practices on refrigeration, AC and heat pump systems.

Guided tours at Chillventa 2022

This year, the fair will once again include professionally guided tours. Anyone wishing to take part in the guided tours conducted by trade journal KK DIE KÄLTE + Klimatechnik can register for the slots listed below (

  • Refrigeration technology (11-13 October, daily at 10:00)
  • AC and ventilation technology (11-13 October, daily at 13:00)
  • Special tour for trainees and apprentices (11 October – fully booked)

A lot more will be happening at Chillventa 2022. For more in-depth insights go to