The Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) has recently announced it has expanded its suite of green building rating tools and is now licensed to award Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE) certification for all EDGE typologies in South Africa and, throughout the rest of Africa. This includes Botswana, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Namibia, Kenya, Mauritius, Uganda, Tanzania, Morocco, Ethiopia, eSwatini, Lesotho and Mozambique.
GBCSA has gained experience with the EDGE rating system as the only certifier of EDGE homes for new residential developments in South Africa since 2015. The GBCSA will remain the sole certifier for EDGE Residential in South Africa and will now add further typologies to its offering. These typologies include EDGE for Hospitality; Healthcare; Education; Offices and Retail developments.
The GBCSA looks forward to extending their trusted brand of service and high level of technical support to an array of exciting projects throughout Africa.
Professional Training & Development
Certification is backed by a strong training component, and the GBCSA is thrilled to offer our respected EDGE Expert and EDGE Auditor training, on-demand and online to delegates throughout Africa. The GBCSA Academy is ready and eager to welcome delegates from across Africa.
Becoming an accredited EDGE Expert or Auditor allows a person to boost their green building credentials and amplify their offering as a sustainability professional. Training prepares one for the EDGE online application and certification process.
It is recommended that projects targeting EDGE certification appoint an independent EDGE Expert to guide the development team from inception to execution and occupation and have an important role to play in EDGE certification and resource efficient projects. The EDGE Auditor (a mandatory requirement) reviews project documentation, verifies compliance with EDGE requirements, provides a rigorous check (audit) of the project submission, and recommends the project for assessment to the GBCSA.
The training incorporates introductions to the benefits of resource efficient buildings as related to built environment professionals, developers and financiers, suppliers, and homeowners.
More about EDGE:
EDGE is a green building design tool, certification system and global green standard developed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a World Bank Group member. It is available freely online and can be used by anyone interested in greener design such as architects, engineers, developers, or buildings owners.
To achieve an EDGE rating, a minimum saving of 20% in energy, water and embodied energy in materials must be proven through initiatives implemented in the design phase and confirmed during construction.
EDGE is based on climatic conditions of the location, building type and use, design and specifications and building orientation. Every project’s unique base case is developed using empirical data from actual buildings reflecting current practice around the world.
EDGE is operational in over 170 countries and includes a cloud-based platform to calculate the cost of going green and utility savings. The state-of-the-art engine has a sophisticated set of city-based climate and cost data, consumption patterns and algorithms for predicting the most accurate performance results.
Furthermore, EDGE is a response to the need for measurable and credible solutions to prove the business case for building green and unlock financial investment. To facilitate the uptake of green development across Africa, the IFC extends loan funding to commercial banks to finance sustainable EDGE-rated developments.
The GBCSA technical team is ready to assist with EDGE certification matters and the GBCSA Academy team is ready to assist with all your EDGE training requirements. For more information and certification fee pricing for EDGE for Hospitality; Healthcare; Education; Offices; and Retail click here, and for EDGE Residential, click here.