The project was first envisioned five years ago, with a project management team assembled in 2018 to thrash out the specifications for a planned new warehouse and lubes plant.

A 30% increase in production volumes and a 70% increase in sales over a six-year period was the main reason behind Fuchs Lubricants South Africa developing a two-phase expansion project.
Speaking at the official inauguration of the new office complex in May this year, managing director Paul Deppe said the project was testament to the confidence that the German parent company had in the Southern African market. “Our sustained growth trajectory in South Africa will require increased capacity in future. What we have achieved to date is evidence of our long-term vision for the region.”
Deppe said the planning is already well advanced for the next phase, with a full study already undertaken into the new lubes plant. “We know exactly what we want at the end of the day. Now it is just about finding the opportune moment to commit to the next major tranche of the investment.”
Deppe commended the professional team for completing the project on time and within budget. “It has been an enormous success. I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the contractors and consultants, as well as our own staff who were involved,” said Deppe. “It was a fantastic partnership at the end of the day that allowed us to realise a project of this scale and complexity.”
Fuchs Petrolub SE chairman Stefan Fuchs and executive board member Dr. Ralph Rheinboldt recorded a special video message for the occasion of the official inauguration. “I think you have done an outstanding job in realising the vision of the project, which positions the company well for future growth for both Fuchs Lubricants South Africa and Fuchs Southern Africa,” concluded Dr. Rheinboldt.
Fuchs is now the world’s largest independent supplier of innovative lubricant solutions, covering almost every industry and application.