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Finding resources in a skills shortage

  • marimac 
Finding the right skills today for a business can be simple or time consuming and costly. Image credit: Hans-Peter Gauster | Unsplash
Finding the right skills today for a business can be simple or time consuming and costly. Image credit: Hans-Peter Gauster | Unsplash

Opinion piece by Wayne Alcock, MD at Quyn International Outsourcing

The Covid-19 pandemic left both job seekers and businesses in a tough position. Permanent jobs became difficult to find which caused many skilled workers to switch industries in pursuit of employment.

This had a knock-on effect of exacerbating skills shortages in key industries leaving companies unable to meet their skilled employment requirements. Furthermore, numerous workers have expressed reluctance to return to their pre-pandemic industries due to factors such as increased risk of retrenchment, changed working conditions or remote working opportunities and higher pay elsewhere.

Such factors make it difficult for businesses to fill key positions within production lines however partnering with a temporary employment services (TES) provider is a sure-fire way of finding, vetting, and placing the right talent for businesses, while minimising recruitment risk and preventing further delays in production.

Labour is the key to growth

As South Africa works toward economic recovery, many industries look forward to exciting growth opportunities and the chance to focus on more than just survival. Some of these industries include construction, renewable energy, mining and manufacturing, particularly in light of President Ramaphosa’s recently-announced energy plan, aimed at ending load shedding and transitioning the country toward cleaner energy.

As South Africa’s renewable energy industry looks set to expand rapidly, this boom will have a positive impact on related industries. However, none of these plans will come to fruition without the right skills and labour.

Recruitment made easy

As business owners would know these days, recruitment through the usual channels can be time-consuming and costly. It can take months for a company to find the right candidate, and the process can become incredibly resource intensive. Here, TES providers can play a critical role in facilitating industry growth and ensuring that urgent projects are not unduly delayed. With massive databases of employable individuals for various sectors, TES providers can make it easy for businesses to find and attract the right kind of talent to get the job done.

Reducing the search burden

Partnering with a TES provider cuts down on time and effort to place candidates, which is important given the pace at which these industries will need to develop and expand. Individuals on their databases have already been checked and vetted which means that companies don’t have to spend hours sifting through hundreds of CVs to find potential candidates. Background checks and skills assessments have already been done, and the right TES partner will be able to put forward two or three candidates to fill the necessary vacancies. Where the skills have moved on to other industries, a TES provider will be able to track down those individuals and attract their skills back to where they are most needed and best suited.

Taking the effort out of talent placement

In addition to reducing the time and effort taken to locate talent, TES providers also assume the responsibilities of employment for the talent placed. This means they assume responsibility for payroll, HR, training, industrial relations and so forth, allowing the company to enjoy the benefits of the skilled placement without any of the employment burden. Through conventional on-boarding processes, it can take months to bring on new employees. But by using a TES provider, placement can happen almost immediately, allowing the company to hit the ground running with their newly acquired skills.

For companies with a recruitment need, the focus should shift from individual talent search to searching for the ideal service provider to meet their needs. In this regard, it is important for companies to steer away from providers that attempt to be everything to everyone. Specialisation is key, and in niche industries, finding a provider with extensive experience in the relevant sector is critical. A verifiable track record and deep industry understanding is essential, to ensure that the TES provider truly understands their clients’ requirements and can tailor a solution to meet their needs – from skills search right through to compliance and risk.