It is no secret that the very DNA of how businesses operate has undergone rapid change over the last few years. Global businesses once dictated change. Now they must anticipate it, and at a blindingly fast pace. Corporate organisations across the globe have accepted the mantra of ‘adapt or be left behind’. But how can these organisations revamp their core attitudes and belief systems to thrive in the face of change?

The 5 new principles of Transformative Change whitepaper conducted by Maersk in partnership with Bloomberg Media and Sparkler, gives insight into how top organisations are embracing change to be more future-fit.
What you can expect from this whitepaper:
- A comprehensive, multi-stage research piece, revealing how organisations look at change as a catalyst for success.
- A peek into the winning mindset of top-level and senior managers from 400+ global organisations.
- Proven 5-step methodology to embrace change, backed by leading company case studies, CEO quotes and more.
By analysing responses from individuals at high-growth companies, the report identifies a series of common characteristics that comprise an aspirational mindset among today’s successful business leaders.
The global population is experiencing an age of instability that is unprecedented in modern times. With it, the needs of consumers can change overnight. As needs change so do the processes, systems, and behaviours by which businesses must operate to meet those needs. The digital age is not a new phenomenon: computing and the internet have been commonplace for almost two decades.
We are seeing the second generation of children grow up with digital technology at their fingertips. But each year sees more progress than the last; each development has more reach and impact than before.
To download the white paper, click here.